Our three-year-old program meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Children must turn three by September 15th of that enrollment year and be potty-trained to be eligible for the three-year-old class. You may drop your student off at school anytime after 7:30 a.m.
We are currently licensed through the Department of Humans Services for the 3 yr. old preschool. The three-year-old class has a maximum of 20 students. The ratio will be 1 adult:10 students at all times. We also participate in the Department of Human Services Quality Rating Scale. Currently St. Teresa Preschool Calmar is a level 4.
Tuition is $190/month. Tuition is due the 5th of the month and invoices will be sent out. Assistance may be available through HAWC funding, please let me know if you need an application.
Food Program
Healthy snacks are served each morning, usually between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. for afternoon snack. Families take turns bringing the snack once a month, in line with the “Suggested Snack Calendar” to ensure a variety of healthy foods are served to your child while at school. When it is your snack day it is also the students share day.
Lunch is a part of our day together. Students will eat lunch in our classroom and it is prepared by the school in Spillville and delivered. Lunch menus will be sent home once a month and are available through the Hot Lunch link.

Our Approach
We utilize the Creative Curriculum for Preschool and focus on four main areas of child development, including: social/emotional development; physical development; cognitive development, and language development. We also have objectives for learning in the development areas of: literacy, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, and the arts.
Our classroom is set up in learning “centers”, which include blocks, dramatic play, books, gross motor, fine motor, science, discovery play, listening, writing, and art. Outdoor play is important to a child’s physical development and is included in the daily schedule. Self-selection is also a daily part of the curriculum and means a child has the opportunity to choose which center or activity he/she participates in. This promotes creative expression and development of important social skills.